FridayFocus: Q&A with David Laney

In this week’s FridayFocus we spoke to Nike Trail Runner David Laney!

  1. Who are you, and where do you come from?

David Laney, runner for Nike and Coach at Trails and Tarmac, from Oregon, though I really live all over the West Coast.

2. Who/what is your fitness inspiration?

Dathan Ritzenhein was a big inspiration in high school because he was injured over and over again and kept getting back in the game. That was motivating to me.

3. What do you love most about trail running?

I love spending time alone in the mountains, it’s fun to run so far you don’t know how you will get back. I like being able to challenge myself physically and mentally in those circumstances and then get out alive. I like being in really wild big free places and getting to see something and climb things that people visit.

4. Favourite pre- and post-workout meals?

Peanutbutter and jelly usually, I eat lots of fruit, smoothies, granola bars. I usually just eat cheap easy stuff. Also love candy.

5. What will we find you doing when you’re not running?

Great question, probably driving to the next place I want to go running! I live out of my truck so spend a lot of time on the road, I also run a business called Trails and Tarmac where we coach distance runners for trail and road races. It’s a lot of work but a ton of fun and really exciting to help people improve their running ability and overcome challenges.

6. Any fitness/life goals for 2017?

I’d love to do some new races that I have never done before, not totally sure what that will look like but looking forward to doing something new!

7. Best piece of fitness advice?

Results take a lot of time, I think people expect results much faster than they are willing to work for, just relax a bit and know that you have to do the same thing over and over for months to improve, but you will improve, just set gradual goals along the way and keep at it. Don’t train over your ability or you will end up injured, slow and steady is really the best way to be successful.

8. Favourite people to follow online?

Ult SteckRicky Gates  and Trails and Tarmac.

9. What would you be doing if you weren’t a professional athlete?

I’m not really a professional athlete, I make a little money from running but primarily make money coaching, selling merchandise and running my business. I would probably be doing about the same thing! I love being in the outdoors and I would be doing similar activities! Maybe I would do more climbing, that’s what I really wish I had more time for.

10. Have you always been into trail running?

I started running when I was around 5-6 years old, I really enjoyed it so would run during recess. I ran cross country and track in school and then after college decided to start doing long trail races, I’ve always loved running on trails but really started racing ultras in 2013. It’s been really fun to challenge ones self during a 30, 50 or 100 mile race.

Click here to see David’s Twitter and Instagram